Monday, November 27, 2006

Indoor Soccer Day

Every Sunday, I play indoor soccer with my teammates. There are 2 teams in our school, and I'm a member of AU GEAP. My team is the bottom of the league, and we had a game against the second place team yesterday.

The opponent was strong, and our team didn't have enough stamina and techniques. The result was 0-12... We didn't score any goals.
It was a terrible game.

After our team's game, AU PEPE (another team) had a match, but their opponent couldn't come. So, my team played an exhibition match against AU PEPE. We didn't take a rest (only 5 minutes!), so, teammates and I couldn't run. The result was 6-12, but I scored 2 goals!!

Next Sunday, my team has a match against AU PEPE officially. I really want to win. I'm looking forward to playing indoor soccer on Sunday. I have to cure muscular pain first.


Lynda said...

I'm glad that you're enjoying playing soccer with the GEAP teams. Sounds like you need some more practice together. It must be hard to begin when you haven't played together before. Was it hot when you were playing? Good luck next time.

Taku said...

to Lynda

Thank you for your comment.
I think we need practice together more, but maybe we don't practice this week...
It was not hot, because the game started at 7:20. This week, our game starts at 6:30.
I'll try my best!